Spectora is trusted by the largest and most successful companies in the industry:

Write reports faster.
Efficiency matters. With multiple inspectors out in the field every day, anything that adds time to writing reports is costing you money (not to mention making your employees unhappy!)
Our software is the fastest in the industry, built to help your team get the job done. From team inspections to handling ancillary services to coordinating optimal routing, you’ll be saving time on every single inspection. Do more inspections or give your inspectors their evenings back - you decide.
Run your back office smoother.
You’re doing a lot. In addition to your inspectors, you have a team of office staff answering calls, adding services, and handling scheduling. You have a growth squad tracking top agents, nurturing agent relationships, and driving key metrics forward. You have an ops manager rolling out a new team in a nearby city.
We work with the largest teams in the business, so we understand what’s involved with companies at this scale. We’ve built tools to make every person on your team better at what they do.

Scale up easier.
To dominate an area you need to replicate what's working in adjacent markets. We've built the tools you need to rapidly add new teams to your organization, complete with all the familiar settings and proven templates.
You'll also get an organization-wide dashboard allowing you to compare metrics across teams so you can make intelligent decisions based on data.
Connect all your platforms.
At your scale you're likely using best-in-class accounting software, payroll software, CRMs, marketing engines and more. Spectora is built to connect to everything, with integrations to all the top platforms. You can even leverage Zapier to connect with anything.

Have a team you can depend on.
Consider us an extension of your team.
With Spectora you'll have a dedicated on-boarding specialist to assist you with all your initial setup, data imports, and team training. You'll have a go-to account manager that will check in on you quarterly to make sure you have everything you need. You'll also have access to our Enterprise Support Team, the most experienced and knowledgeable support professionals we have, to ensure you get the answers you need quickly.
Features for scale.
Here are just a few features we've built to make running an enterprise-scale inspection business easier.

Automation taken to the next level.
The flagship feature of Spectora Advanced, Actions allows you to create powerful customized automation sequences. You can tailor emails and text messages for different services, different inspection statuses, and different contact labels. Just a few examples:- Automatically send an email to upsell an add-on if the client didn’t book it during the initial scheduling, like suggesting radon testing.
- Automatically send a notice to a 3rd-party contractor when an add-on like sewer scopes gets booked.
- Automatically sending an 11-month follow-up on your “New Construction Inspection” service.
- Send a payment/agreement reminder text messages when the client hasn’t completed those tasks yet 24 hours before the inspection.
Keep your office staff happy.
With Spectora Advanced, all your scheduling tools know which inspectors can perform which services and in which areas. They will even help choose the right inspectors to minimize drive times.
Keep your inspectors efficient and put less stress on your scheduling team by letting software do the work.

Work as a team.
Our report writing system is built with teams in mind.
Additional reports for ancillary services are easy to add, even if it takes place on a different day. Multiple inspectors can divide up a job and see their data sync together seamlessly.
With our latest mobile app, you can even sync in real-time when you need to. Our report writing system is the fastest in the business because we focus on efficiency.
Expand your empire.
With our organization tools, you’ll easily be able to get separate teams started in new cities. With one click you can clone all your existing settings, pricing rules, report templates, and email/text templates.
You'll even have a dashboard to compare your different teams' stats and view the aggregate metrics for your all teams.
Whether you’re a growing company ready to expand to a new city or you’re a nationwide franchise, we make it easy to scale up.

Know your numbers.
With Spectora Advanced, you can create custom dashboards and charts for the metrics you need to see. From top agents to highest-margin zip codes to most popular add-ons, you’ll be able to dive deep into the numbers so you can make better business decisions.
Make payroll easy.
However you choose to pay your inspectors, whether flat rate, percentage, or percentage-after-deduction, we have tools to make payroll easy. You’ll get a full report every pay period, complete with tools to allow your team to dig into the calculations.

Automation taken to the next level.
The flagship feature of Spectora Advanced, Actions allows you to create powerful customized automation sequences. You can tailor emails and text messages for different services, different inspection statuses, and different contact labels. Just a few examples:- Automatically send an email to upsell an add-on if the client didn’t book it during the initial scheduling, like suggesting radon testing.
- Automatically send a notice to a 3rd-party contractor when an add-on like sewer scopes gets booked.
- Automatically sending an 11-month follow-up on your “New Construction Inspection” service.
- Send a payment/agreement reminder text messages when the client hasn’t completed those tasks yet 24 hours before the inspection.

Smart Scheduling
Keep your office staff happy.
With Spectora Advanced, all your scheduling tools know which inspectors can perform which services and in which areas. They will even help choose the right inspectors to minimize drive times.
Keep your inspectors efficient and put less stress on your scheduling team by letting software do the work.

Team Inspections
Work as a team.
Our report writing system is built with teams in mind.
Additional reports for ancillary services are easy to add, even if it takes place on a different day. Multiple inspectors can divide up a job and see their data sync together seamlessly.
With our latest mobile app, you can even sync in real-time when you need to. Our report writing system is the fastest in the business because we focus on efficiency.

Org Tools
Expand your empire.
With our organization tools, you’ll easily be able to get separate teams started in new cities. With one click you can clone all your existing settings, pricing rules, report templates, and email/text templates.
You'll even have a dashboard to compare your different teams' stats and view the aggregate metrics for your all teams.
Whether you’re a growing company ready to expand to a new city or you’re a nationwide franchise, we make it easy to scale up.

Know your numbers.
With Spectora Advanced, you can create custom dashboards and charts for the metrics you need to see. From top agents to highest-margin zip codes to most popular add-ons, you’ll be able to dive deep into the numbers so you can make better business decisions.
Make payroll easy.
However you choose to pay your inspectors, whether flat rate, percentage, or percentage-after-deduction, we have tools to make payroll easy. You’ll get a full report every pay period, complete with tools to allow your team to dig into the calculations.
Don't just take our word for it.
Check out what top companies in the industry are saying.

Just a quick shout out to Spectora. Our company is not afraid to make changes if the change will benefit the future of our company.
We have tested many of the reporting softwares out there. We have used three.
Our criteria is client usability, ease of integration for new inspectors, ease of use for inspectors (quality of life) and functionality for the agents.
With 30+ inspectors and being in multiple markets, our selected reporting software is one of the most critical tools for success.
Spectora has proven to be an amazing value for us, our clients and agents. Add to that the responsiveness of the Spectora team to changes in the industry and the needs of the inspector community.
Spectora has proven to rise above any option we have seen for the needs of our company.
Thank you to all of you from Bryan & Bryan Inspections!
The feedback has been great from my inspectors. Constantly inspectors are saying they are saving an hour and half per inspection per day.
The best was one of my inspectors that has been with us since almost the beginning 18+ years. He has went through every report writing system we have had, starting originally with paper handwritten books that clients got paper copies.
His statement was "over the past 18 years I have gone through over 5 different report systems, from paper to computer, to mobile, all were suppose to be better, claim to be faster, more efficient, and have a better product.
When we started with Spectora we said the same thing, however this time it has help up.
Spectora has been the best software I have used. Faster, easier to use and a far better product for the inspector and the client that I have seen"
So from all my inspectors - Thank you!
Your team's efficiency and happiness is everything.
Let's face it, change is hard at your size. You have to get buy-in.
Nothing gets buy-in like increasing the happiness of your team by making them more efficient so they can spend more time doing what they want.